Diving Services New Zealand Ltd
Diving Services New Zealand Ltd
Marine Biosecurity
Our team has been at the forefront of marine pest management processes in New Zealand for well over a decade. We pride ourselves on using and developing tools and methods that provide a genuine practical and cost-effective results. Diving Services NZ has been involved in numerous marine invasive species treatment programs from Bluff to Whangarei.
Previous projects have included programs targeting Didemnum vexillum ,Sabella spallanzanii (Mediterranean fanworm) originally in Lyttelton, Auckland and Nelson. We currently run small scale marine pest management programmes for several councils .
Diving Services NZ has led the way with development of effective in‑water treatment options such as vessel and structure encapsulation, as well as salmon farm infrastructure treatment. We have ‘encapsulated’ ships up to 115 meters in length, and to date have treated numerous smaller and almost one hundred mid to large size vessels. We have wrapped wharf piles from Auckland to Bluff, and have developed new, practical ways to combat marine pests in the difficult marine environment.
Marine bio security to be effective it must be managed by a team that is not just experienced but driven to engage with the process to get the right results. We continue to see many poor-quality inspections and treatments done within New Zealand, costing vessel owners and operators time money .
We can assist with the consent process, hull treatments, MPI Inspections and reporting . We can provide DOC approved inspections for vessels moving to important areas, such as Fiordland and the sub Antarctic Islands.
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